An Live-In (INTERNA) and Domesctic Couples (MATRIMONIO DOMESTICO) placement, is a domestic employee who lives with the family. They are usually candidates who have been established in Spain and who have no family responsibilities, they have very good and long experience like Nannies and House keepers.
NL Hogar agencya give you the legal recomendations: The domestic employees have their daily breaks of 2 hours so they can have their main meals and 36 hours continus days off normally every week end.
The contract including food and accommodation by the employers.
For the employers is very important register the emplyees in the National Social Security to be able to work and must give them a work contract before they start to work.
The domestic employees are entitled to receive 14 payments per year (12 salaries plus 2 salary bonus). The employer must guarantee the spanish minimum salary to live.
In the contracts of our Live-in domestic employees it is specified that they are entitled to 30 calendar days of vacation per year, 15 days available to the employer and another 15 days available of the employee. We usually recommend that clients give their employees the 30 continuos days vacation, since many of them can take advantage to travel to their countries of origin in this way.
Our Live-in domestic workers are specialized like nannies and house keepers, with babies, school-age children or the elderly people.
Our Philipines assistants have English as a second language and they can talk with their employers and teach it the children.
Do not think about it and hire our exclusive serveces, we will be to do easy your life.